I'm a guy in his mid-to-late twenties. I was a digital media major in college--It hasn't really done anything for me, except make me very critical of things I never would have noticed otherwise.
I really love the toys of the 80's. GI Joe, M.A.S.K., Ninja Turtles--oh, and those Transformer things, too. I'd honestly like them more if they didn't cost so much. Still doesn't stop me from buying them.
I've always been really good at creating things.Within the last year, I've started to create my own props through papercraft methods. For some reason, I really enjoy the tedious work of cutting and pasting all of those tabs together.
Some of my idols of prop creation are BlindSquirrel, Volpin, and so many more from The Replica Prop Forums. You've all inspired me that anything you can think of can be made.